Ski Trip To Clifdale Washington
February 1996

So, here are the pictures you have been waiting for. The ski trip to Clifdale. Click your mouse on any picture and it will download a full size 16 bit color .jpg image file to your computer. I represented them in these tiny images because they would show quickly with a modem connection.
These representations are all drastically cropped so the downloaded images will show much more information.
Unfortunately, Craig and Barb were both hiding while we had the camera out
so we didn't get any photos of them. We'll be watching them more closely next time.
Drop me a line and let me know how this works out for you.
Have Fun! -Tom
Click here if you would like to send me E-mail to comment on these pictures.

The photogropher checking out the other side of the camera.
The beautiful Yakama river canyon.
Two washed outbridges.
"Bigfoot" on the left and Carol on the right.
Mud slide covers the road. 
Mike --> Neil--> Sara-->
________________________________________________________(with her hat on)

Crossing the stream. That Neil is so helpful.

Well, I hope you liked them.
Bye, Bye
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