Where in the world are

Tom and Carol


Meet Tom and Carol

Working together…….. ALWAYS!

Tom and Carol have been traveling internationally since before they were married, more than 46 years ago. In the early days they sent post cards to friends and family. As communication started to become digital and the Internet was born, they began sending email travelogues and then digital photos, as they became available.

This website is a collection of travelogues that Tom sent to his email list over the years. In addition to new entries from upcoming adventures, he will, as time permits, add his previous contributions, until eventually he reaches the very first one from January, 1997 [Costa Rica].

Carol has had a long career as a journalist, many years of which she was a travel writer for The Seattle Times. She has also freelanced articles for many travel publications and regularly writes a travel blog at:


As we all know, the recent pandemic has curtailed most international travel. We are looking forward to getting back “On The Road Again…” again, just as soon as the world recovers enough to allow it. At that time you’ll be hearing from us once more. Move your mouse way up to the top corner over the word “Travelogue” to get started.